
Internal audit

Internal auditor is an employee of a company charged with providing independent and objective evaluations of the company’s financial and operational business activities and with reporting to the highest levels of management on how to improve the overall structure and practices of the company.

Internal auditor is an employee of a company charged with providing independent and objective evaluations of the company’s financial and operational business activities and with reporting to the highest levels of management on how to improve the overall structure and practices of the company.

The role of internal audit is to determine whether an organisation’s risk management, governance and internal control process are operating effectively.

Internal auditor is an employee of a company charged with providing independent and objective evaluations of the company’s financial and operational business activities and with reporting to the highest levels of management on how to improve the overall structure and practices of the company.

In order to find out what activities an internal auditor performs, complete the following phrases with the verbs given below.

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