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Superlative: Simply the Best

If, for example, your boss happens to tell you that he thinks you are the most reliable member of the team, or if your client says that was the fastest service he or she has received, that just might make your entire year of work worthwhile.

If, for example, your boss happens to tell you that he thinks you are the most reliable member of the team, or if your client says that was the fastest service he or she has received, that just might make your entire year of work worthwhile.

The first few months of the year is the time when companies are taking a look back at some of the best and/or the worst business decisions they made in the past year, and the time when they start making plans for the new year, which in the end might turn out to be the most successful year in their history. Although financial reports can be the simplest and the most effective way to measure business efforts and success, they cannot always show all the results of the hard work that employees put into a company throughout the year. If, for example, your boss happens to tell you that he thinks you are the most reliable member of the team, or if your client says that was the fastest service he or she has received, that just might make your entire year of work worthwhile.

The italicised words in the first paragraph are examples of the superlative form of the adjectives. Superlative adjectives are used to compare more than two things and they show the highest degree of quality of what is described. In the table below you will find the rules for forming superlative adjectives in English.


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