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Adjectives – comparative form (continuation)

For more details about how to form comparative adjectives, take a look at the lesson about comparative previously posted on this site. This lesson will focus on different ways of expressing comparison.

For more details about how to form comparative adjectives, take a look at the lesson about comparative previously posted on this site. This lesson will focus on different ways of expressing comparison.

Comparative is the form of an adjective that is usually used to indicate more of a particular quality. Look at the following example: HighFly is more refreshing than other energy drinks. In other words, all energy drinks are refreshing, but HighFly is even more refreshing. You will notice that the word more itself is added to adjectives of three or more syllables in order to form their comparative.

For more details about how to form comparative adjectives, take a look at the lesson about comparative previously posted on this site. This lesson will focus on different ways of expressing comparison. Let us first look at some examples of the most frequently used comparative form.


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