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Describing charts and graphs

Today a lot of presentations, reports and newspaper articles contain graphs, tables or charts. There are many different types of data charts and graphs, the most popular ones being pie charts, line graphs, flow charts, bar charts, diagrams, bubble graphs, scatter graphs, column charts, etc.

Today a lot of presentations, reports and newspaper articles contain graphs, tables or charts. There are many different types of data charts and graphs, the most popular ones being pie charts, line graphs, flow charts, bar charts, diagrams, bubble graphs, scatter graphs, column charts, etc.

Today a lot of presentations, reports and newspaper articles contain graphs, tables or charts. There are many different types of data charts and graphs, the most popular ones being pie charts, line graphs, flow charts, bar charts, diagrams, bubble graphs, scatter graphs, column charts, etc. They are used to visually represent data in the same proportion as the numerical data in a table.

During a presentation or even in a report, a graph or a chart is normally accompanied by an explanation of how to interpret the data. In the following exercises you will find some verbs frequently used in the description of graphs and charts. Find out what their meaning is and hopefully you will be able to use them next time you have a presentation or you need to write a report.


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