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Financial English

In recent years, with an increased participation of foreign banks in the Croatian market and considering Croatia’s efforts to comply with international banking and accounting standards, good knowledge of business English, or even more importantly financial English, has become an essential skill and a requirement for many jobs in those sectors.

In recent years, with an increased participation of foreign banks in the Croatian market and considering Croatia’s efforts to comply with international banking and accounting standards, good knowledge of business English, or even more importantly financial English, has become an essential skill and a requirement for many jobs in those sectors.

In recent years, with an increased participation of foreign banks in the Croatian market and considering Croatia’s efforts to comply with international banking and accounting standards, good knowledge of business English, or even more importantly financial English, has become an essential skill and a requirement for many jobs in those sectors. In the business world in general, it is not uncommon to hear in the Croatian language English words such as cash flow, turnover, hedge fund, etc. If you are a student of English looking for employment in the financial sector, or if you have already found it, the examples given below might help you to understand better the meaning of some financial vocabulary.


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Taj početni dojam nije uvijek najtočniji, ali ga je obično teško preokrenuti ili poništiti i često bude temelj za daljnji odnos između dvije osobe.

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Medijski mali servis j.d.o.o. Sva prava pridržana.