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Legal English

Legal English is the language used by lawyers and other legal professionals to conduct legal matters. It is different from general English because it uses specific words and structures. For example, the word consideration in general English means “careful thought” while in legal English it can also mean “payment”

Legal English is the language used by lawyers and other legal professionals to conduct legal matters. It is different from general English because it uses specific words and structures. For example, the word consideration in general English means “careful thought” while in legal English it can also mean “payment”

Legal English is the language used by lawyers and other legal professionals to conduct legal matters. It is different from general English because it uses specific words and structures. Even when it uses words from general English, it may happen that the words have very different meanings than in general English. For example, the word consideration in general English means “careful thought” while in legal English it can also mean “payment”.

Below are some general attributes of legal English.


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