
The meanings of the word like

In the English language the verb like is very often used to talk about preferences, for example I like the company’s new web site.

In the English language the verb like is very often used to talk about preferences, for example I like the company’s new web site.

In the English language the verb like is very often used to talk about preferences, for example I like the company’s new web site. However, this is not the only function, nor the only meaning of this word. Below you will find a chart which illustrates different uses of the word like.

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Blog Lifehack tvrdi da su ljudi koji piju kavu uspješniji.


Excel je postao neizostavan alat u poslovnim okruženjima diljem svijeta zbog svoje sposobnosti organizacije, analize i prezentacije podataka u raznolikim industrijama.


Taj početni dojam nije uvijek najtočniji, ali ga je obično teško preokrenuti ili poništiti i često bude temelj za daljnji odnos između dvije osobe.

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Medijski mali servis j.d.o.o. Sva prava pridržana.

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