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Verbs feel/fall and find/found

Although the verbs from each pair given below do not have anything in common when it comes to meaning, due to some sounds that these verbs share students have difficulties in distinguishing them, especially when listening or speaking.

Although the verbs from each pair given below do not have anything in common when it comes to meaning, due to some sounds that these verbs share students have difficulties in distinguishing them, especially when listening or speaking.

Some English verbs seem to confuse learners of English with their spelling and pronunciation. Although the verbs from each pair given below do not have anything in common when it comes to meaning, due to some sounds that these verbs share students have difficulties in distinguishing them, especially when listening or speaking. If you are in doubt, the following definitions and examples might help you not to repeat the same mistakes.


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Blog Lifehack tvrdi da su ljudi koji piju kavu uspješniji.


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Taj početni dojam nije uvijek najtočniji, ali ga je obično teško preokrenuti ili poništiti i često bude temelj za daljnji odnos između dvije osobe.

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