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Human resources and staff

In the following lines you will have an opportunity to test your knowledge of some essential HR phrases, as well as learn some new ones

In the following lines you will have an opportunity to test your knowledge of some essential HR phrases, as well as learn some new ones

It is said that the backbone of every company is its HR (Human Resources) department and without a talented group of people to hire, culture and inform employees, the company is doomed to failure.* The most important thing in any business is the people, so each company wants to have a highly skilled and efficient workforce, keep the loyal and talented employees as well as get talented people who will introduce new technology into their business.

I am sure you are all familiar with the terms such as recruitment, CV, probationary period and redundancy, but as we all know, there is much more than this when it comes to HR business. In the following lines you will have an opportunity to test your knowledge of some essential HR phrases, as well as learn some new ones, so take a few minutes to do the tasks and see how much you know.


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Blog Lifehack tvrdi da su ljudi koji piju kavu uspješniji.


Uspješni ljudi znaju iskoristiti svoje vrijeme i ustaju rano. Ne zato što to rade svi uspješni ljudi, nego zato što je to mudro.


Excel je postao neizostavan alat u poslovnim okruženjima diljem svijeta zbog svoje sposobnosti organizacije, analize i prezentacije podataka u raznolikim industrijama.


Taj početni dojam nije uvijek najtočniji, ali ga je obično teško preokrenuti ili poništiti i često bude temelj za daljnji odnos između dvije osobe.


Medijski mali servis j.d.o.o. Sva prava pridržana.